Sarah Clark

Sarah is a ‘people first’ senior business leader; an experienced GC and a barrister with 20 years’ experience split between the independent bar, in-house and law firm practice across a wide range of sectors from publishing to financial services. Sarah role models authentic leadership, describing the critical factor in any successful working relationship as being mutual trust.

Sarah’s first legal role was at Warner Bros at the time of the first Harry Potter film, where her life was complete upon discovering that the office had a cinema in the basement! Following time spent in Africa working pro-bono for the Malawi Legal Aid Department, she went on to pursue her dream of practising at the criminal bar at Red Lion Chambers. The highlights of her years at the bar were being led in a murder trial at the Old Bailey and being appointed Junior Counsel to HM Government’s Turks and Caicos (TCI) Inquiry, examining ministers in the TCI.

The past ten years have seen Sarah’s focus shift to in-house, initially working in private practice designing value propositions and innovative legal solutions for GCs and more recently sitting in the GC chair herself, in highly regulated businesses (banking and insurance) where she has held Executive and Board level roles, beyond the legal team.

As a single Mum to teenage twins, Sarah ‘brings her whole self’ to work and drives this culture for her teams. She is passionate about diversity, equity and inclusion, believing continuous learning to be central to success and fulfilment.