The O Shaped Founding Members

Dan Kayne

Founder of O Shaped 
Dan trained and qualified at Dechert LLP before moving in house to Network Rail.
Between 2015 and 2022, Dan was a General Counsel at Network Rail, where he embedded a People First approach with his multi-disciplinary team.  
By taking care of themselves and one another, Dan felt that his team would be highly engaged and perform to the very best of their ability - a philosophy which proved to be the case.  
It is this pursuit of excellence through the well-being, engagement, relationships and team development that led to Dan creating O Shaped. 
Whilst the legal profession has always been known for its technical excellence, it is seldom seen as a profession that places the same level of importance on the engagement and development of its people. 
That is why the ‘O’ came about - to recognise that success requires a holistic approach. More rounded and engaged lawyers make for better lawyers and ultimately a profession which better serves its customers. 
Dan wants the ‘O’ to be the driving force to make this happen.
  • Catherine Baker

    Chair of O Shaped, Founder and Director Sport and Beyond Ltd

  • Adam Curphey

    Head of Innovation at Mayer Brown

  • Carrie Fletcher

    Affiliate Instructor at Harvard Law School Executive Education and Research Fellow at the London Business School Leadership Institute

  • Catie Sheret

    General Counsel at Cambridge University Press & Assessment

  • Claire Stripp

    Head of Talent & Knowledge, Browne Jaobson

  • Greg Bott

    Director of Addleshaw Goddard Consulting

  • John Skelton

    General Counsel

  • Natalie Salunke

    Fractional General Counsel

  • Neil Campbell

    Managing Legal Counsel at Natwest Group

  • Sophie Gould

    Head of Learning & Development at Flex Legal